LGBTQIA+ is an evolving acronym that stands for: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual. The plus (+) is for other sexuality, sex and gender diverse people. The LGBTQIA+ community (sometimes known as the rainbow community) includes anyone and everyone who is not heterosexual and not cisgender.
The genders and sexualities are always growing and evolving. Some people may be happy to define themselves by one or more term, whilst others prefer not to define or limit themselves. At the end of the day, we are all humans and deserve to live our best lives and be treated with love and respect.
A portion of all sales goes towards Living Proud WA Inc, a Western Australian based not-for profit organisation which provides
support, information and resources to the LGBTIQA+ community.
Without organisations like Living Proud, many members of the LGBTQIA+ community wouldn’t be able to be themselves. Our community relies on the work, help and support that Living Proud and similar organisations provide. They are the longest running organisation of its kind in the southern hemisphere, having been established over 40 years ago.
As a predominantly volunteer run organisation, Living Proud relies on the donations and support from people like you and me to be able to continue the incredible work that they do.
It is an honour to be able to give back to such an important community organisation. Thank you for your support.